// What is someMethod in js?
// Ans: Some method help us to get know about that anything is available in our array or not..
// ========================
// Example
const userCart = [
{ producdId: 1, producdPrice: 355 },
{ producdId: 2, producdPrice: 5355 },
{ producdId: 3, producdPrice: 34 },
{ producdId: 4, producdPrice: 3535 },
// ========================
// So here is my array and I want to check prices I want to check that is there is a product that is greater than 10000.
// ========================
console.log(userCart.some((e) => e.producdPrice > 10000));
// So it'll return false as we know..
// ========================
const userCart_2 = [
{ producdId: 1, producdPrice: 355 },
{ producdId: 2, producdPrice: 5355 },
{ producdId: 3, producdPrice: 34 },
{ producdId: 4, producdPrice: 3535 },
{ producdId: 4, producdPrice: 15000 },
// And it'll return true because in this one I put the product that price is greater than 10000
// ========= The End =========
//.some method accepts a callback function as an argument. If this
// function returns true for at least one element, the whole method
// returns true; otherwise it returns false.
const cities = [
"New York",
"Los Angeles",
const findLargeCity = (element) => {
return element === "New York" || element === "Los Angeles";
// Expected output is true
// Use method "some" to loop through array elements and see if there are any matching ones
const array = [{ name: 'Dharmesh', gender: 'male' }, { name: 'Priti', gender: 'female' }];
const hasFemaleContender = array.some(({ gender }) => gender === 'female');
It just checks the array,
for the condition you gave,
if atleast one element in the array passes the condition
then it returns true
else it returns false
const array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
// checks whether an element is even
const even = (element) => element % 2 === 0;
// expected output: true
movies.some(movie => movie.year > 2015)
// Say true if in movie.year only one (or more) items are greater than 2015
// Say false if no items have the requirement (like and operator)