// Ternary Operators in Jquery Work the same as in Normal JS
condition ? exprIfTrue : exprIfFalse
// tell me IF 'a' is bigger or smaller than zero
a>0 ? $("#display").text(a + " is greater than 0"): $("#display").text(a + " is less than or equal 0");
//if true // then do this ELSE do this
// lets say we have a box with an ID of blackbox
// we are trying to change its background color (using Jquery)
// on the following condition: if the box is pink then it turns black,
// but if it's been turned black, then it to go back to pink.
var box = $("#blackbox");
// If this condtion is true // then apply this background //Else Apply this background
box.css('background') == 'pink' ? box.css({'background':'black'}) : box.css({'background':'pink'});