

update nodejs mac

sudo npm cache clean -f 
sudo npm install -g n
sudo n stable/lts 

how to update node on mac

#this will update postgres and dependencies and 
#sometimes will be enough.  check version after
brew update
brew upgrade node
node --version # outputs: v12.x.x
#not the version i wanted so list packages
nvm ls
#Find the version I want, says N/A: default -> 16.15.1 (-> N/A)
nvm install 16.15.1
node --version # outputs: v16.15.1 !hooray!

update node js mac to latest version

brew update
brew upgrade node

update nodejs to latest version on mac

// use brew to upgrade node to the latest version
brew update
brew upgrade node
node --version // outputs: v12.x.x

// also you can do it with npn
sudo npm cache clean -f // clean first
sudo npm install -g n // install globally
sudo n stable/lts 

update to node 12 mac

// Fix node not found first	
sudo chown -R `whoami`:admin /usr/local/include/node
    sudo chown -R `whoami`:admin /usr/local/bin
    sudo chown -R `whoami`:admin /usr/local/share
    sudo chown -R `whoami`:admin /usr/local/lib/dtrace 

 brew link --overwrite node
// Then: 
sudo npm cache clean -f 
sudo npm install -g n 
sudo n stable/lts

Code Example
Javascript :: javascript reload page one time 
Javascript :: js parse url encode 
Javascript :: array loop js 
Javascript :: javascript split array into chuncks of 
Javascript :: getstaticpaths with redux 
Javascript :: if json valide js 
Javascript :: js get random data between two dates 
Javascript :: body-parser deprecated bodyParser 
Javascript :: Component should be written as a pure function 
Javascript :: divide array of objects to 4 arrays js 
Javascript :: jetbrains vscode 
Javascript :: regex validate double with 2 decimals 
Javascript :: como saber la resolucion de una ventana con javascript 
Javascript :: laravel ajax form submit 
Javascript :: how to pass data between routes in react 
Javascript :: string contains in react 
Javascript :: clear input field data on button click 
Javascript :: jquery on change function not working 
Javascript :: how to make a kill command discord.js 
Javascript :: how to connect mongoose database with nodejs 
Javascript :: if checkbox is checked 
Javascript :: how to add keyframe in emotion stled 
Javascript :: js do after delay 
Javascript :: gms2 object functions 
Javascript :: ng generate component in folder 
Javascript :: loop through json object javascript 
Javascript :: Add event listener to multiple buttons with the same class 
Javascript :: js upload json 
Javascript :: angular int to string 
Javascript :: argument vs parameter javascript 
Source link
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