

useRef is not working with custom compnents

On custom components, ref needs to be forwarded.

An example would be like:
// inside index.js
<Navbar scrollFunc={scrollToRef} />      
    <Mainlogo ref={mainLogoRef} />
    <Sales  ref={salesRef} />
    <Introduction ref={introductionRef} />
    <Blog ref={blogRef} />
<Footer />
// inside Sales.js
const Sales = (props, ref) => (
  <div ref={ref}> // assigns the ref to an actual DOM element, the div
    /* anything you want to render here */

export default React.forwardRef(Sales);

This is because `ref` is (usually) a reference to a DOM element. 
A React Component can render multiple DOM elements, so you need to be explicit about
where the `ref` should be assigned to.

Code Example
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Source link
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