

cakephp get sql query string

// As long as your query is not executed by toArray(), all() or something similar, 
// you can use $q->sql() to retrieve the raw sql query that cakePHP will execute:
// Example:

$q = $this->Model->find();
var_dump($q->sql()); // raw sql query

cakephp sql query

use CakeORMLocatorLocatorAwareTrait;

$articles = $this->getTableLocator()->get('Articles');
$resultset = $articles->find()->all();

foreach ($resultset as $row) {
    // Each row is now an instance of our Article class.
    echo $row->title;

// Query objects are lazily evaluated. This means a query is not executed until one of the following things occur:

// The query is iterated with foreach.
// The query’s execute() method is called. This will return the underlying statement object, and is to be used with insert/update/delete queries.
// The query’s first() method is called. This will return the first result in the set built by SELECT (it adds LIMIT 1 to the query).
// The query’s all() method is called. This will return the result set and can only be used with SELECT statements.
// The query’s toList() or toArray() method is called.

Code Example
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Source link
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