

How do I check if a string contains a specific word?

$a = 'Hello world?';

if (strpos($a, 'Hello') !== false) { //PAY ATTENTION TO !==, not !=
    echo 'true';
if (stripos($a, 'HELLO') !== false) { //Case insensitive
    echo 'true';

check if a string contains a word

//By far the most accurate: VIA
function containsWord($str, $word)
    return !!preg_match('#' . preg_quote($word, '#') . '#i', $str);


How do I check if a string contains a specific word?

While most of these answers will tell you if a substring appears in your string, that's usually not what you want if you're looking for a particular word, and not a substring.

What's the difference? Substrings can appear within other words:

The "are" at the beginning of "area"
The "are" at the end of "hare"
The "are" in the middle of "fares"
One way to mitigate this would be to use a regular expression coupled with word boundaries ():

function containsWord($str, $word)
    return !!preg_match('#' . preg_quote($word, '#') . '#i', $str);
This method doesn't have the same false positives noted above, but it does have some edge cases of its own. Word boundaries match on non-word characters (W), which are going to be anything that isn't a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or _. That means digits and underscores are going to be counted as word characters and scenarios like this will fail:

The "are" in "What _are_ you thinking?"
The "are" in "lol u dunno wut those are4?"
If you want anything more accurate than this, you'll have to start doing English language syntax parsing, and that's a pretty big can of worms (and assumes proper use of syntax, anyway, which isn't always a given).

How do I check if a string contains a specific word?

$haystack = 'How are you?';
$needle   = 'are';

if (strpos($haystack, $needle) !== false) {
    echo 'true';

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