// dirname ( string $path [, int $levels = 1 ] ) : string
echo dirname("/etc/passwd") . PHP_EOL;
echo dirname("/etc/") . PHP_EOL;
echo dirname(".") . PHP_EOL;
echo dirname("C:") . PHP_EOL;
echo dirname("/usr/local/lib", 2);
// Above example outputs:
"/" (or "" on Windows)
* Surely you can.
* PHP has incredible built-in functionality, which is islink() and readlink(),
* There are many functions like this. See the PHP manul to learn more about it.
* This code is based on Ubuntu Os and applies to other 'Linux distributions' and 'Macs
* but if you are on Windows read the PHP manual to use this approach.
* Server root & Symlink path : /var/www/html/my-project
* Actual path : /home/$(whoami)/my-project
* Path to file I want to add : /home/$(whoami)/my-file
// Including the file without checking whether the link exists or not.
// including the file after checking if the link exists.