

php socket connect

 $res = socket_connect($socket, $addr, $port);

enable socket in php

here are noobs instructions

go to your php installation directory in windows it can be something like this c:xamppphp

the goto ext direction in it phpext

check if your have php_sockets.dll in that directory
after that open php.ini file which will be in your php folder
next search for ;extension=php_sockets.dll
if you find it then remove ; from it

if you not find it then search for extension=

and then below some extension add extension=php_sockets.dll

and finally restart your apache.

enable socket in php

This answer assumes you do have a php_sockets.dll extension file accessible (in your PHP installation extension directory or where required);

If you're using windows, just uncomment the following line in your php.ini file:


If you are missing the php_sockets.dll, you can download it from

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