

exec command not working in php but works in terminal

Things that i tried were : 
1. Try executing the simple command fist and see if the out is comming.
  example : system('ls -l > output.txt') // This will output the file in public 
2. After that i tried giving the permission 777 to the files and folder 
    that require and access and create a file.
    example : chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/PATH_TO_FOLDER/public
3. Search your php.ini with this commands: php --ini
  For Me: Loaded Configuration File: /etc/php/7.2/cli/php.ini
	In your php.ini file, set variables_order = "EGPCS".

Code Example
Php :: add seconds to datetime php 
Php :: php date object to timestamp 
Php :: skip add to cart for woocommerce 
Php :: php random number generator 
Php :: drupal 7 hook_form_alter 
Php :: laravel route logout 
Php :: laravel disable csrf token 
Php :: Str laravel 9 
Php :: php curl_exec get response json 
Php :: laravel drop table column 
Php :: laravel create text file 
Php :: How do I get the current date and time in PHP? 
Php :: remove non-uppercase character php 
Php :: Undefined index: id 
Php :: delete mysql php 
Php :: php add array values with same keys 
Php :: php date add days 
Php :: allowed memory size of bytes exhausted composer 
Php :: ajax get request in laravel 
Php :: curl in laravel 
Php :: store emoji in php 
Php :: define function parameters php 
Php :: laravel check if exists in table 
Php :: get data based on date in laravel 
Php :: factorial function php 
Php :: base64 enocode php 
Php :: laravel select count 
Php :: symfony see all make command 
Php :: What does "as" keyword mean in Laravel route ? 
Php :: Determining if input is present in Laravel 
Source link
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