$myArr = array("apple", "banana", "mango", "jackfruit");
$toJSON = json_encode($myArr);
echo $toJSON;
$json = json_decode($json_data, true);
$json = json_decode($json_data);
$jsonData = (array) $json;
//2 ways
//this is for string from $_REQUEST,$_POST to array
$jsonText = $_REQUEST['myJSON'];
$decodedText = html_entity_decode($jsonText);
$myArray = json_decode($decodedText, true);
//this is for json to array
$assosiative_array = json_decode(json_encode($jsonText),true);
// the php array
$array = array();
$array['key1'] = "value1";
$array['key2'] = "value2";
$array['key3'] = "value3";
// encode the php array into JSON format
$json = json_encode($array);
// check out the results
$json = '[{"name":"xxx","phone":"123","email":"a@a.com"},{"name":"yyy","phone":"456","email":"b@a.com"},{"name":"zzz","phone":"678","email":"c@a.com"}]';
$json_decoded = json_decode($json);
echo '<table>';
foreach($json_decoded as $result){
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td>'.$result->name.'</td>';
echo '<td>'.$result->phone.'</td>';
echo '<td>'.$result->email.'</td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '</table>';
json_decode('{foo:"bar"}'); // this fails
json_decode('{"foo":"bar"}', true); // returns array("foo" => "bar")
json_decode('{"foo":"bar"}'); // returns an object, not an array.
{} = json_encode([]);
function getJsonData(){
$var = get_object_vars($this);
foreach ($var as &$value) {
if (is_object($value) && method_exists($value,'getJsonData')) {
$value = $value->getJsonData();
return $var;
convert data