composer require spatie/laravel-backup
//To publish the config file to config/backup.php
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SpatieBackupBackupServiceProvider"
//Once installed run
php artisan backup:run
//clean up your backups
php artisan backup:clean
//Determining which backups should be deleted is mention in config/backup.php
namespace AppHttpControllers;
use Alert;
use AppHttpRequests;
use Artisan;
use Log;
use Storage;
class BackupController extends Controller
public function index()
$disk = Storage::disk(config('laravel-backup.backup.destination.disks')[0]);
$files = $disk->files(config(''));
$backups = [];
// make an array of backup files, with their filesize and creation date
foreach ($files as $k => $f) {
// only take the zip files into account
if (substr($f, -4) == '.zip' && $disk->exists($f)) {
$backups[] = [
'file_path' => $f,
'file_name' => str_replace(config('') . '/', '', $f),
'file_size' => $disk->size($f),
'last_modified' => $disk->lastModified($f),
// reverse the backups, so the newest one would be on top
$backups = array_reverse($backups);
return view("backup.backups")->with(compact('backups'));
public function create()
try {
// start the backup process
$output = Artisan::output();
// log the results
Log::info("BackpackBackupManager -- new backup started from admin interface
" . $output);
// return the results as a response to the ajax call
Alert::success('New backup created');
return redirect()->back();
} catch (Exception $e) {
return redirect()->back();
* Downloads a backup zip file.
* TODO: make it work no matter the flysystem driver (S3 Bucket, etc).
public function download($file_name)
$file = config('') . '/' . $file_name;
$disk = Storage::disk(config('laravel-backup.backup.destination.disks')[0]);
if ($disk->exists($file)) {
$fs = Storage::disk(config('laravel-backup.backup.destination.disks')[0])->getDriver();
$stream = $fs->readStream($file);
return Response::stream(function () use ($stream) {
}, 200, [
"Content-Type" => $fs->getMimetype($file),
"Content-Length" => $fs->getSize($file),
"Content-disposition" => "attachment; filename="" . basename($file) . """,
} else {
abort(404, "The backup file doesn't exist.");
* Deletes a backup file.
public function delete($file_name)
$disk = Storage::disk(config('laravel-backup.backup.destination.disks')[0]);
if ($disk->exists(config('') . '/' . $file_name)) {
$disk->delete(config('') . '/' . $file_name);
return redirect()->back();
} else {
abort(404, "The backup file doesn't exist.");
composer require spatie/laravel-backup
//To publish the config file to config/backup.php
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SpatieBackupBackupServiceProvider"
//Once installed run
php artisan backup:run
//clean up your backups
php artisan backup:clean
//Determining which backups should be deleted is mention in config/backup.php
namespace AppHttpControllers;
use Alert;
use AppHttpRequests;
use Artisan;
use Log;
use Storage;
class BackupController extends Controller
public function index()
$disk = Storage::disk(config('laravel-backup.backup.destination.disks')[0]);
$files = $disk->files(config(''));
$backups = [];
// make an array of backup files, with their filesize and creation date
foreach ($files as $k => $f) {
// only take the zip files into account
if (substr($f, -4) == '.zip' && $disk->exists($f)) {
$backups[] = [
'file_path' => $f,
'file_name' => str_replace(config('') . '/', '', $f),
'file_size' => $disk->size($f),
'last_modified' => $disk->lastModified($f),
// reverse the backups, so the newest one would be on top
$backups = array_reverse($backups);
return view("backup.backups")->with(compact('backups'));
public function create()
try {
// start the backup process
$output = Artisan::output();
// log the results
Log::info("BackpackBackupManager -- new backup started from admin interface
" . $output);
// return the results as a response to the ajax call
Alert::success('New backup created');
return redirect()->back();
} catch (Exception $e) {
return redirect()->back();
* Downloads a backup zip file.
* TODO: make it work no matter the flysystem driver (S3 Bucket, etc).
public function download($file_name)
$file = config('') . '/' . $file_name;
$disk = Storage::disk(config('laravel-backup.backup.destination.disks')[0]);
if ($disk->exists($file)) {
$fs = Storage::disk(config('laravel-backup.backup.destination.disks')[0])->getDriver();
$stream = $fs->readStream($file);
return Response::stream(function () use ($stream) {
}, 200, [
"Content-Type" => $fs->getMimetype($file),
"Content-Length" => $fs->getSize($file),
"Content-disposition" => "attachment; filename="" . basename($file) . """,
} else {
abort(404, "The backup file doesn't exist.");
* Deletes a backup file.
public function delete($file_name)
$disk = Storage::disk(config('laravel-backup.backup.destination.disks')[0]);
if ($disk->exists(config('') . '/' . $file_name)) {
$disk->delete(config('') . '/' . $file_name);
return redirect()->back();
} else {
abort(404, "The backup file doesn't exist.");