

phpmyadmin export database

1. Connect to your database using phpMyAdmin.
2. From the left-side, select your database.
3. Click the Export tab at the top of the panel.
4. Select the Custom option.
5. You can select the file format for your database. In this example, we will use the default SQL option.
6. Click Select All in the Export box to choose to export all tables.
7. At this stage make note of the WordPress prefix. It will be needed when you are adding the database to your new WordPress Hosting service. In this example it is wp_.
8. Select the check box, Add DROP TABLE / VIEW / PROCEDURE / FUNCTION.
9. If you wish to change the name of your backup database, you can do so in the File name template section .
10. Click Go.
11. This will export your database content in the form of an .sql file to your local computer.

how to export and import database in phpmyadmin

// There is tab for Export and Import on phpmyadmin itself... You can export all the database or a specific database
// for Import You can use the sql tab and execute the queries or simply go to import tab and chose the sql file and import it

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