

yoast seo alternative for laravel

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<meta name="copyright" content="{{ config('') }}">
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<meta property="og:url" content="{{ request()->fullUrl() }}"/>
<meta property="og:title" content="@yield('title', config(''))"/>
<meta property="og:description" content="@yield('description', config('app.description'))"/>
<meta property="og:image" content="{{ request()->root() }}/images/TODO.png"/>
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<meta name="twitter:site" content="{{ '@' . config('') }}"/>
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<meta name="twitter:description" content="@yield('description', config('app.description'))"/>
<meta name="twitter:image" content="{{ request()->root() }}/images/TODO.png"/>

Code Example
Php :: php printf percent sign 
Php :: Argument 1 passed to IlluminateDatabaseGrammar::parameterize() 
Php :: fetch data from database withour restarting console php 
Php :: Convert backslash characters PHP 
Php :: php pdo bindvalue array 
Php :: laravel return new tab 
Php :: stupidity 
Php :: php how to use multi byte functions 
Php :: how to convert array into json php 
Php :: wordpress code 
Php :: Collapse all codes in PHP Storm IntelliJ 
Php :: yii2 has many where 
Php :: php obtener slug wordpress 
Php :: What is the method of querying from two tables with a condition in Laravel 
Php :: bin2hex (PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8) 
Php :: laravel route where not contain 
Php :: advanced custom fields echo string replace 
Php :: append data to json file php 
Php :: import csv to laravel 
Php :: automatically make created_by and updated_by using observer laravel 
Php :: laravel count 
Php :: how to check if coupons are valid or not magento 2 
Php :: phpImage 
Php :: symfony user online 
Php :: php double dollar not working in php version 8 
Php :: union for rwos 
Php :: laravel Difference between save, fill, create in laravel eloquent 
Php :: required if null / require without laravel 
Php :: show real number and not exponential form php 
Php :: laravel blade dynamic class loop foreach 
Source link
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