

Any All in Python

# Since all are false, false is returned
print (any([False, False, False, False]))
# Here the method will short-circuit at the
# second item (True) and will return True.
print (any([False, True, False, False]))
# Here the method will short-circuit at the
# first (True) and will return True.
print (any([True, False, False, False]))

any and all in python3

>>> multiples_of_6 = (not (i % 6) for i in range(1, 10))
>>> any(multiples_of_6)
>>> list(multiples_of_6)
[False, False, False]


any and all in python3

# Here all the iterables are True so all 
# will return True and the same will be printed 
print (all([True, True, True, True])) 
# Here the method will short-circuit at the  
# first item (False) and will return False. 
print (all([False, True, True, False])) 
# This statement will return False, as no 
# True is found in the iterables 
print (all([False, False, False])) 

python all any example

if true and true and true and true: none
if all ([true, true, true, true]): none

if true or true or true or true or true: none
if any ([true, true, true, true, true]): none

Code Example
Python :: .corr python 
Python :: shape of variable python 
Python :: private key 
Python :: selecting a specific value and corrersponding value in df python 
Python :: get last item on list 
Python :: oop in python 
Python :: Python Pandas: Create new column out of other columns where value is not null 
Python :: python calculator 
Python :: import csv in python 
Python :: make a tuple 
Python :: convert mixed number string to float 
Python :: leetcode python 
Python :: class inheritance 
Python :: python json 
Python :: python loop until condition met 
Python :: convert python code to pseudocode online 
Python :: how to remove outliers in dataset in python 
Python :: TypeError: create_superuser() missing 1 required positional argument: 
Python :: jupiter lab 
Python :: generator expression 
Python :: how to check if two strings are same in python 
Python :: python 3.8 release date 
Python :: dot product of lists python 
Python :: turn list into string 
Python :: python if in one line 
Python :: multiple values in a dictionary python 
Python :: np.random.rand() 
Python :: matplotlib keyboard event 
Python :: using pickle to create binary files 
Python :: something useless. python 
Source link
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