

check python version mac

# To check python 3 version type in the terimnal:

python3 --version

# To check python 2 version just type:

python --version

# If any errors come up then that means python isn't installed on your
# system.

command to check python version in MacOS

python -version

how to check if python is installed on mac

Hi this is way simple..

Open terminal on your mac
Then type python - - version
If its give an error that means there is no python installed if it gives you the version number then python is installed..

Any by default python comes installed but the answer was just to make sure you do understand..

Good luck with learning python.. If you need any more with hacking and python let me know i have a YouTube channel just specifically for helping people getting started with hacking and. programming..

Code Example
Python :: python repeat every n seconds 
Python :: get diroctary in python 
Python :: migrate skip in django 
Python :: python dlete folder 
Python :: plotly hide legend 
Python :: ipykernel pip 
Python :: get list of column names pandas 
Python :: dotenv error pip python 
Python :: shapely polygon from string 
Python :: python reload class 
Python :: sklearn.utils.bunch to dataframe 
Python :: python resize image 
Python :: python remove last character from string 
Python :: python line chart 
Python :: pandas tuple from two columns 
Python :: print colored text python 
Python :: how to select all but last columns in python 
Python :: how to identify GPU with pytorch script 
Python :: get python script path 
Python :: # fontawesome install django for free 
Python :: remove outliers python pandas 
Python :: python string argument without an encoding 
Python :: get file name from url python 
Python :: python - convert a column in a dataframe into a list 
Python :: install curses python 
Python :: python get current time in seconds 
Python :: how to find the most frequent value in a column in pandas dataframe 
Python :: python check if there is internet 
Python :: python add zero to string 
Python :: is machine learning hard 
Source link
9+3 =