

python comparison operators

# Basic syntax:
1 < b <= 3:
# Note, in Python it's common to see comparisons like:
if a < b and b <= c :
# 	however, the above syntax can be used to express things more succintly (and
#	more similarly to the mathematical notation for inequalities)
#	Other comparison operators that can be "chained":
# 	> | < | == | >= | <= | != | is [not] | [not] in

# Example usage:
# Say you wanted to check whether your_variable was greater equal to 5 and
# also not a member of your_list, you could write this as:
5 <= your_variable not in your_list
# which will evaluate to true or false

python comparison operators

# Below follow the comparison operators that can be used in python
# == Equal to
42 == 42 # Output: True
# != Not equal to
'dog' != 'cat' # Output: True
# < Less than
45 < 42 # Output: False
# > Greater Than
45 > 42 # Output: True
# <= Less than or Equal to
40 <= 40 # Output: True
# >= Greater than or Equal to
39 >= 40 # Output: False

python comparison operators

# Let's learn the comparison operators in Python
x = 5
# Equal to
if x == 5:
    print('X is equal to 5')
# Greater than
if x > 4:
    print('X is greater than 4')
# Greater than or equal to
if x >= 5:
    print('X is greater than or equal to 5')
# Less than
if x < 6:
    print('X is less than 6')
# Less than or equal to
if x <= 6:
    print('X is less than or equal to 6')
# Not equal
if x != 6:
    print('X is not equal to 6')

string comparison in python

# Comparison is done through "lexicographic" order of letters
# Change the variable 'word' then run and see the results
# Remember a capital letter comes before a simple letter 
word = 'banana'
if word == 'banana':
    print('All right, bananas.')

if word < 'banana':
    print('Your word', word, 'comes before banana')
elif word > 'banana':
    print('Your word', word, 'comes after banana')
    print('All right, bananas.')

comparison python

number_of_seats = 30
numbre_of_guests = 25

if numbre_of_guests <= number_of_seats:
   print("it's ok")
   print("it's not ok")

in comparison in python

>>> False

>>> True

Code Example
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