

python add string and int

# To combine an str and int you need to convert the int to a str first.
# You can do this all on one line however like so. Just keep adding plus signs between statements:
string = 'Hello there ' + str(your_variable1_here) + ' oh my more text ' + str(your_variable2_here)

# Working example that makes sure all items in a list are strings:
list = ['hello', 'howdy', 73, 'greetings']
for i, c in enumerate(list):
    assert isinstance(c, str), 'List index ' + str(i) + ' was invalid! ' + '(It's value is: ' + str(c) + ')'

# Will output this error because '73' is an INT object and not a STR object:
# AssertionError: List index 2 was not valid! (73)

how to concatenate a string with int in python

#by chaing it's type using str() function

# We have a string and a integer

string1 = "superman"
num1 = 20
# concatenated string 
concatString = string1 + str(num1)

concatenate string and int python

# In python you need to cast the variable to a string with str()

var = 3
print('Variable = ' + str(var) )

concatanate string to integer in python

# You cannot concatanate a string to an integer
a = 'love'
b = 1
print(a + b)
# This will give a Type Error
# So convert the integer to a string and then you can concatenate
print(a + str(b))

concatenate strings and int python

number = [1,2,3,4,5]

# to concatenate strings and int
# One needs to use str() to convert the string into int 

print("Reverse list: "+ str(number))

Python String and Integer concatenation

string = 'string' for i in range(11):     string +=str(i) print string

Code Example
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Source link
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