

Convert PySpark RDD to DataFrame

# importing necessary libraries
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
# function to create new SparkSession
def create_session():
    spk = SparkSession.builder 
    return spk
# function to create RDD
def create_RDD(sc_obj, data):
    df = sc.parallelize(data)
    return df
if __name__ == "__main__":
    input_data = [("Uttar Pradesh", 122000, 89600, 12238),
                  ("Maharashtra", 454000, 380000, 67985),
                  ("Tamil Nadu", 115000, 102000, 13933),
                  ("Karnataka", 147000, 111000, 15306),
                  ("Kerala", 153000, 124000, 5259)]
    # calling function to create SparkSession
    spark = create_session()
    # creating spark context object
    sc = spark.sparkContext
    # calling function to create RDD
    rd_df = create_RDD(sc, input_data)
    # printing the type

Code Example
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Source link
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