

docstring example

# Copy this into your editor and view the docstring, edit as needed.
# (In pycharm, hover over "def my_function" with your mouse cursor)
def my_function(var1: str, var2: bool) -> str:
    This is example text where you would write what your function does.

    The function has been type hinted: param 1 is expected to be a string, param 2 a bool, and it returns a string.
    You should be able to see these hints highlighted in blue in pycharm

    :param var1: description of what the first parameter does goes here.
    :param var2: description of what the second parameter does goes here.
    :returns: description of what the function will return.
    :raises ValueError: this function has code that raises a ValueError
    :raises LookupError: this function has code that raises a LookupError
    :raises TypeError: this function has code that raises a TypeError
    # your code here
    return var1 + str(var2)


this is a docstring not a multiline comment
and this can be shown in output or not
# mutiline comment
# is like
# that
# and this can not be shown cause it is a comment

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Source link
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