# extract images from pdf file
import fitz
doc = fitz.open("file.pdf")
for i in range(len(doc)):
for img in doc.getPageImageList(i):
xref = img[0]
pix = fitz.Pixmap(doc, xref)
if pix.n < 5: # this is GRAY or RGB
pix.writePNG("p%s-%s.png" % (i, xref))
else: # CMYK: convert to RGB first
pix1 = fitz.Pixmap(fitz.csRGB, pix)
pix1.writePNG("p%s-%s.png" % (i, xref))
pix1 = None
pix = None
# STEP 1
# import libraries
import fitz
import io
from PIL import Image
# STEP 2
# file path you want to extract images from
file = "/content/pdf_file.pdf"
# open the file
pdf_file = fitz.open(file)
# STEP 3
# iterate over PDF pages
for page_index in range(len(pdf_file)):
# get the page itself
page = pdf_file[page_index]
image_list = page.getImageList()
# printing number of images found in this page
if image_list:
print(f"[+] Found a total of {len(image_list)} images in page {page_index}")
print("[!] No images found on page", page_index)
for image_index, img in enumerate(page.getImageList(), start=1):
# get the XREF of the image
xref = img[0]
# extract the image bytes
base_image = pdf_file.extractImage(xref)
image_bytes = base_image["image"]
# get the image extension
image_ext = base_image["ext"]