

find the middle of the document in the image opencv

# Thresholding:
_, binaryImage = cv2.threshold(imageRoi, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY + cv2.THRESH_OTSU)

Code Example
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Python :: python subtract days from date 
Python :: wand image resize 
Python :: django models get all 
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Python :: Get the positions of items of ser2 in ser1 as a list python 
Python :: padnas get list of rows 
Python :: running code once in a while loop python 
Python :: flash not defined python flask 
Python :: sorting-a-python-list-by-two-fields 
Python :: plot line2d on axis 
Python :: how to send more than one variables to python using xlwings 
Python :: miktex python install linux 
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Python :: Dist/Hist Plot Code in Seaborn 
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Python :: how to convert a sentence into a list of words in python 
Python :: grepper how to use fraction 
Python :: access data in one python function from another 
Python :: how to check the version of ployly 
Python :: python types generator 
Python :: crop image using opencv with height and width 
Python :: filter numbers with bounds filter_bounds python 
Python :: python file write all the bounding box coordinates using opencv 
Python :: pristine 
Source link
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