

get queryset

class PurchaseList(generics.ListAPIView):
    serializer_class = PurchaseSerializer

    def get_queryset(self):
        Optionally restricts the returned purchases to a given user,
        by filtering against a `username` query parameter in the URL.
        queryset = Purchase.objects.all()
        username = self.request.query_params.get('username', None)
        if username is not None:
            queryset = queryset.filter(purchaser__username=username)
        return queryset

get queryset

from myapp.models import Purchase
from myapp.serializers import PurchaseSerializer
from rest_framework import generics

class PurchaseList(generics.ListAPIView):
    serializer_class = PurchaseSerializer

    def get_queryset(self):
        This view should return a list of all the purchases
        for the currently authenticated user.
        user = self.request.user
        return Purchase.objects.filter(purchaser=user)

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