round python
int x = 6.3456824221
#round(number_to_roundoff, round_off_till)
#round_off_till is optional
print(round(x)) #output: 6
print(round(x, 3)) #output: 6.346
print(round(x, 1) #output: 6.3
round down a number python
import math
print(math.floor(3.319)) #Prints 3
print(math.floor(7.9998)) #Prints 7
how to round in python
#round(number, decimal_place=0)
print(round(4.355679)) #Prints 4
print(round(4.355679, 3) #Prints 4.356
python round to nearest
round_to_nearest = 10
round(22 / round_to_nearest) * round_to_nearest #20
round(26 / round_to_nearest) * round_to_nearest #30
round python
round(number, decimalPlaces = 0)
round python print
#round print
process = 1345 * 0.75
print(f"The result can be shown as {round(process, 1)}") #output:1008.8
print(f"The result can be shown as {round(process, 2)}") #output:1008.75
python round function
l = 3.562
round python
import math
PI = math.pi
python round
import math
n = 234.56
decimal_place = n - int(n)
''' decimal_place = 234.56 - 234 = 0.56 '''
if decimal_place >= 0.5:
''' Yields 234.56 --> 235 '''
''' One-Liner '''
rounded = math.ceil(n) if (n-int(n)) >= 0.5 else math.floor(n)
round python
# round(number, decimals).
# second parameter is optional, defaults to 0.
num1 = 1.56234
num2 = 1.434
print(round(num1)) # output: 2
print(round(num2)) # output: 1
print(round(num1, 3)) # output: 1.562
print(round(num2, 1) # output: 6.3
python round function example
print(round(2.555, 2))
print(round(2.786, 2))
print(round(2.553, 2))
python round
#round(number, digits)
x = 3.14159265359
print(round(x)) #output: 3
print(round(x, 3)) #output: 3.141
print(round(x, 1)) #output: 3.1
y = 8452.157954
print(round(y)) #output: 8452
print(round(y, -3)) #output: 8000
print(round(y, -1)) #output: 8450
python rounding
def round(num):
remainder = num - int(num)
if remainder >= 0.5:
return int(num) + 1
return int(num)
round() Function in python
>>> print(round(89.92345,2)), round(89.725))
89.92 90
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