

know functionality of any function using help

# know functionality of any function using help

#  Help on class zip in module builtins:

# class zip(object)
#  |  zip(*iterables) --> zip object
#  |  
#  |  Return a zip object whose .__next__() method returns a tuple where
#  |  the i-th element comes from the i-th iterable argument.  The .__next__()
#  |  method continues until the shortest iterable in the argument sequence
#  |  is exhausted and then it raises StopIteration.
#  |  
#  |  Methods defined here:
#  |  
#  |  __getattribute__(self, name, /)
#  |      Return getattr(self, name).
#  |  
#  |  __iter__(self, /)
#  |      Implement iter(self).
#  |  
#  |  __next__(self, /)
#  |      Implement next(self).
#  |  
#  |  __reduce__(...)
#  |      Return state information for pickling.
#  |  
#  |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#  |  Static methods defined here:
#  |  
#  |  __new__(*args, **kwargs) from builtins.type
#  |      Create and return a new object.  See help(type) for accurate signature.

Code Example
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Python :: if statment with logical or operator for multiple varaibles 
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Python :: saving specific column with pd 
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Python :: how to show all rows whith a unique value in a column 
Python :: login to for "python" 
Source link
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