

plt title color

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import randn

fig = plt.figure()
data = np.clip(randn(250,250),-1,1)
cax = plt.imshow(data, interpolation='nearest')

title_obj = plt.title('my random fig') #get the title property handler
plt.getp(title_obj)                    #print out the properties of title
plt.getp(title_obj, 'text')            #print out the 'text' property for title
plt.setp(title_obj, color='r')         #set the color of title to red

axes_obj = plt.getp(cax,'axes')                 #get the axes' property handler
ytl_obj = plt.getp(axes_obj, 'yticklabels')     #get the properties for 
                                                #  yticklabels
plt.getp(ytl_obj)                               #print out a list of properties
                                                #  for yticklabels
plt.setp(ytl_obj, color="r")                    #set the color of yticks to red

plt.setp(plt.getp(axes_obj, 'xticklabels'), color='r') #xticklabels: same

color_bar = plt.colorbar()                            #this one is a little bit
cbytick_obj = plt.getp(, 'yticklabels')                #tricky
plt.setp(cbytick_obj, color='r')

plt.savefig('temp2.png', facecolor="black", edgecolor="none")

Code Example
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