

prevent not admin from visiting a url tornado python

self.set_header('Cache-Control', 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate')
self.set_header('Pragma', 'no-cache')
self.set_header('Expires', '0')

Code Example
Python :: Python - pasword hashed 
Python :: pandas mappin ID to value in different row 
Python :: Convert Time object to String in python 
Python :: kivy window location 
Python :: model summary change size of columns 
Python :: input what is your name python 
Python :: python break string to sections 
Python :: Complete the function that accepts a string parameter, and reverses each word in the string. All spaces in the string should be retained. python 
Python :: accessing a specific slide using python 
Python :: translating the mean of a data to a specific value 
Python :: Connection to Python debugger failed: Interrupted function call: accept failed 
Python :: x and y in python 
Python :: Create an x amount of unique random fixed size strings 
Python :: dft numpy amplitude 
Python :: unittest only run test if other tests passes 
Python :: fastai read data from image folders 
Python :: tkinter askopen directory 
Python :: how to choose appropriate graph for dataset visualization 
Python :: To select a column from the database table, we first need to make our dataframe accessible in our SQL queries. To do this, we call the df.createOrReplaceTempView method and set the temporary view name to insurance_df. 
Python :: Basic 13 Algorithm 
Python :: iterate over batch of dict keys at once python 
Python :: replace python enter number of characters 
Python :: crank nicholson scheme python 
Python :: pydrive download file 
Python :: how to get foregine key field from models 
Python :: houghlinesp python stackoverflow 
Python :: list of letter in word python 
Python :: python measure volum from audio file 
Python :: name decorator in python 
Python :: two labels on one axis python 
Source link
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