""" In a dictionary, the first value of an element is the *key* and
the other one is the *value* """
new_dict ={'name':'Alex','age':21}""" You can also use different data type for key in the same dictionary """
new_dict ={'name':'Alex',1:21,2:False}
# Creating a Dictionary# with Integer Keys
Dictionary ={0:'Softhunt',1:'.net',2:'By',3:'Ranjeet'}print("
Dictionary with the use of Integer Keys: ")print(Dictionary)# Creating a Dictionary# with Mixed keys
Dictionary ={'Name':'Ranjeet Kumar Andani',1:[0,1,2,3,4,5]}print("
Dictionary with the use of Mixed Keys: ")print(Dictionary)
keys =['a','b','c']
values =[1,2,3]defcreate_dictionary(keys, values):
result ={}# empty dictionaryfor key, value inzip(keys, values):
result[key]= value
return result
#create an empty dictionary
my_dictionary ={}print(my_dictionary)#to check the data type use the type() functionprint(type(my_dictionary))#output#{}#<class 'dict'>