

python fernet

from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
message = "my deep dark secret".encode()

f = Fernet(key)
encrypted = f.encrypt(message)

Fernet in python

from cryptography.fernet import Fernet

data = "Here is some data I would like to encode!".encode('utf-8')
my_key = Fernet.generate_key() # keep this key safe! DO NOT LOSE IT!
# If you lose your key, any data that you encrypted and didn't decrypt
# will be lost forever. (Unless, of course, you have an excellent memory
# and can remember a 32 character long series of random and 
# cryptographically secure bytes. In which case, you're fine.)

t = Fernet(my_key)
encrypted = t.encrypt(data)
# This will return a series of bytes, so to convert it back to a string:
boring_old_string = encrypted.decode()

# If you wanted to decrypt a message:
decrypted = t.decrypt(encrypted) 
# This will return bytes, so use the method above to make it a string

Code Example
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Source link
4+3 =