

python file io

r - It opens the file to read-only mode.
The file pointer exists at the beginning.
The file is by default open in this mode if no access mode is passed.

rb - It opens the file to read-only in binary format.
The file pointer exists at the beginning of the file.

r+ - It opens the file to read and write both.
The file pointer exists at the beginning of the file.

rb+ - It opens the file to read and write both in binary format.
The file pointer exists at the beginning of the file.

w - It opens the file to write only.
It overwrites the file if previously
exists or creates a new one if no file
exists with the same name. The file pointer
exists at the beginning of the file.

wb - It opens the file to write only in binary format.
It overwrites the file if it exists previously or 
creates a new one if no file exists. The file pointer
exists at the beginning of the file.

w+ - It opens the file to write and read both. 
It is different from r+ in the sense that it overwrites
the previous file if one exists 
whereas r+ doesn't overwrite the previously written file.
It creates a new file if no file exists. The file pointer
exists at the beginning of the file.

wb+ - It opens the file to write and read both in binary format.
The file pointer exists at the beginning of the file.

a - It opens the file in the append mode. 
The file pointer exists at the end of the previously
written file if exists any. It creates a new file if
no file exists with the same name.

ab - It opens the file in the append mode in binary format.
The pointer exists at the end of the previously written file.
It creates a new file in binary format if no file exists with
the same name.

a+ - It opens a file to append and read both.
The file pointer remains at the end of the file if a file exists.
It creates a new file if no file exists with the same name.

ab+ - It opens a file to append and read both in binary format.
The file pointer remains at the end of the file.

Code Example
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Source link
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