

python file open modes

r for reading
r+ opens for reading and writing (cannot truncate a file)
w for writing
w+ for writing and reading (can truncate a file)
rb for reading a binary file. The file pointer is placed at the beginning of the file.
rb+ reading or writing a binary file
wb+ writing a binary file
a+ opens for appending
ab+ Opens a file for both appending and reading in binary. The file pointer is at the end of the file if the file exists. The file opens in the append mode.
x open for exclusive creation, failing if the file already exists (Python 3)

python file modes

# Different modes of text file
"r" = # Open for reading plain text
"w" = # Open for writing plain text
"a" = # Open an existing file for appending plain text
"rb" = # Open for reading binary data
"wb" = # Open for writing binary data

Code Example
Python :: python float till 2 decimal places 
Python :: membercount 
Python :: string with comma to int python 
Python :: log base 2 python 
Python :: pandas capitalize column 
Python :: matplotlib change font 
Python :: python os checj if path exsis 
Python :: update anaconda 
Python :: how to load ui file in pyqt5 
Python :: django template capitalize equivalent 
Python :: python open script in new terminal 
Python :: import NoSuchKey in boto3 
Python :: debugging pytest in vscode 
Python :: how to check if an input is a number in python 
Python :: random color python matplotlib 
Python :: how to install nltk 
Python :: get current month python 
Python :: pandas drop empty rows 
Python :: remove multiple space python 
Python :: how to multiply inputs in python 
Python :: plotly add hline dashed 
Python :: python find most occuring element 
Python :: import forms 
Python :: jupyter read in csv 
Python :: godot code for movement for topdown game 
Python :: python generate secret key 
Python :: find elements by class name selenium python 
Python :: python pandas trim values in dataframe 
Python :: python condition if dataype 
Python :: sparksession pyspark 
Source link
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