

Python integer validation

	It is usually noticed, if a user inputs a string in an integer type input,
    the compiler throws an error and terminates the execution of the program.
   	This program prevents the compiler error and again asks for the input if
    the value entered is invalid.

#Program for preventing error with a minimun input value of 0.

#Run an infinite loop that doen't break till the value entered is valid.
while True:
    number = input("Enter some number:"); #Take input as a string.
        number = int(number); #Check if number could be converted into int.
        if(number >= 0): #Break the loop if the va;lue is >= 0.
        print("Invalid value."); #Print Invalid Value if it cannot.
#Ater taking the input, this number can be used wherever you want.
#This program prevents errors on typing mistakes on integer inputs.

	I hope that my answers are useful to you. Promote them if they are.

how to create an integer validate python

    value=int(input("Type a number:"))
except ValueError:
    print("This is not a whole number.")

Code Example
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