

how to receive user input in python

var = input("Text: ")

python print user input

name = input("Hi! What’s your name ? ")
print("Nice to meet you " + name + "!")

age = input("How old are you ? ")

print("So, you are already " + str(age) + " years old, " + name + " !")

# Take user input in python

# Take user input in python
age = int(input("Type the age: "))
if age <= 18:
    print("You are too young to enter here")

python how to get user input

var = input()

user input python

input = input("Enter your value: ") 

print(input) # prints the input

python how to print input

#To print user input, take the input from the user and store it as a variable. For example I named the variable "name" because that is the question the user will answer.
name = input("What is your name?")
#Then enter in a print command to actually print the user input. Change the "name" variable to the variable you named it.
print("Nice to meet you," + name)
#Feel free to copy and paste the code and edit it to your liking. Hope this helped!

python user input

input('ENter question here')

user input python

age = input('what is your age?: ')
print("You are "+age + " years old")

ans : what is your age?: 23
You are 23 years old

#input method in python.A selected question would prompt and user should ans that.
#after that programme will show age with a text message.

print input in python

# Take input from user and store it as a variable. E.g. I store the input as 'user_inp'
user_inp = input("Enter anything you want: ")

#Now you can print it by using print function
print("You entered ", user_inp)
# If you don't want "You entered " you can simply write as:- print(user_inp)

how to get user input python

x = input("enter prompt here: ")

python user input

x = input("y/n")

python user input

var = raw_input()
# OR
var = input()

""" raw_input can only be a string, but input can be a string, 
integer, or variable. """

python user input

user = input("yes, no

python user input

// if you want to take single int input 
// if you want n elements of array a as input from console/user
a = list(map(int,input().strip().split()))
# u can also covert it to set,tuple etc 
# ex. set(map(int, input().strip().split()))

NOTE: suppose if you want a list with duplicates removed
list(set(map(int, input().strip().split())))

also note map is a method and is not hashmap which is actually disct in python.
and ommitting .strip() in 2nd argument of map func might also work.

# more explaination of above:

how to get a user input in python

a = input("what is your input")

How to get user input in Python

Use the input() method

name = input("Name Please: ")
print(f'Hello {name}, what can I do for you?')

Name Please:
>>> Steve
Hello Steve, what can I do for you?

Code Example
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Source link
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