

python rock paper scissor

import random
# 1 is paper 2 is scissor 3 is rock
nuber = [1, 2, 3]
var = input('rock paper or scissor/ type like r/p/s: ').lower()
number = random.choice(nuber)

user = 0
computer = 0

if var == 'r':

    if number == 1:
        print('you lose')
        computer += 1
    elif number == 2:
        print('you win')
        user += 1
    elif number == 3:
        print('its a tie')
        user += 1
        computer +=1

elif var == 'p':

    if number == 1:
        print('its a tie')
        user += 1
        computer += 1
    elif number == 2:
        print('you lose')
        computer += 1
    elif number == 3:
        print('you won')
        user += 1

elif var == 's':
    if number == 1:
        print('you win')
    elif number == 2:
        print('its a tie')
    elif number == 3:
        print('you lose')
print(f"ur score {user}")
print(f"comp score {computer}")

Code Example
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Source link
6+3 =