

Python run module with and without "-m" option and import path setting

## if there is a "" file in a folder, you can use the bellow command to run the "" file:
python .
# or
# but NOT
python -m .
# which won't work.

## it is recommended to use "-m" option to run a module in a package, e.g.
python -m pkga.pkgb.mymodule
# In this way, package semantics (including relative imports) are honoured
# relative imports looks like:
from . import modmule1, module2  # will look from the same folder as the module which is importing module1 
from .module3 import func1
from ..module4 import func2

# the below import:
from moduleA import funcA
# will search current folder, then from sys.path

# assume the directory structure:
# the work directory is in "root". there are two ways to run from "root" directory:

# run the module with -m option:
python -m pkga.pkgb.mymodule
# here, package semantics (including relative imports) are honoured, 
# the work directory ("root") is added to sys.path, import pattern "from pkga.pkgb import mymudule" will work.
# and the package directory (root/pkga/pkgb) itself is never added to the system path,

# without -m option:
python pkga/pkgb/
#  the "package" directory is first added to the path (i.e. sys.path), 
#and then the files are run normally, without package semantics.

# a good reference: the last answer!!


Code Example
Python :: pandas average of vectors after groupby 
Python :: change order of headers pandas 
Python :: wait_for_message definition 
Python :: check if any entries arte none 
Python :: import numpy illegal instruction (core dumped) jetson nano 
Python :: TypeError at /admin/auth/user/ 
Python :: python thunks 
Python :: repetition of word in python 
Python :: Using np.unravel_index on argmax output 
Python :: pie auto percentage in python 
Python :: condtion for equal time in selenium python 
Python :: Python String to array using list() method 
Python :: substring in python 
Python :: List Method: list append vs extend 
Python :: art library in python spyder 
Python :: python sns save plot lable axes 
Python :: decorator patter 
Python :: algorithme permettant de passer au negatif une image 
Python :: join items in set with newline character 
Python :: argmin returns one value for 2d array 
Python :: check for the negative integers and float 
Python :: bill wiliams fractal python pandas 
Python :: drop values in column with single frequency 
Python :: how to export schema in graphene django 
Python :: check version of various pkgs 
Python :: list tuple dictionary, 
Python :: untrack local changes 
Python :: pytorch starting 
Python :: comprehensions 
Python :: python check if dictionary empty 
Source link
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