The explanation would be too long for a grepper answer.
So here is a link to a stackoverflow question:
sudo apt update && upgrade
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip ipython3
Download preferred installer version from python official website
Launch installer, prompt Upgrade Now
Requirement already satisfied: ipython in c:users oshibaanaconda3envs estinglibsite-packages (7.31.1)
Collecting ipython
Using cached ipython-8.0.1-py3-none-any.whl (747 kB)
Requirement already satisfied: matplotlib-inline in c:users oshibaanaconda3envs estinglibsite-packages (from ipython) (0.1.2)
Requirement already satisfied: pygments in c:users oshibaanaconda3envs estinglibsite-packages (from ipython) (2.11.2)
Requirement already satisfied: traitlets>=5 in c:users oshibaanaconda3envs estinglibsite-packages (from ipython) (5.1.1)
Requirement already satisfied: prompt-toolkit!=3.0.0,!=3.0.1,<3.1.0,>=2.0.0 in c:users oshibaanaconda3envs estinglibsite-packages (from ipython) (3.0.20)
Requirement already satisfied: setuptools>=18.5 in c:users oshibaanaconda3envs estinglibsite-packages (from ipython) (58.0.4)
Requirement already satisfied: backcall in c:users oshibaanaconda3envs estinglibsite-packages (from ipython) (0.2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: decorator in c:users oshibaanaconda3envs estinglibsite-packages (from ipython) (5.1.1)
Requirement already satisfied: jedi>=0.16 in c:users oshibaanaconda3envs estinglibsite-packages (from ipython) (0.18.1)
Collecting stack-data
Using cached stack_data-0.2.0-py3-none-any.whl (21 kB)
Requirement already satisfied: pickleshare in c:users oshibaanaconda3envs estinglibsite-packages (from ipython) (0.7.5)
Collecting black
Downloading black-22.1.0-cp38-cp38-win_amd64.whl (1.2 MB)
Download latest version from python official website
Launch installer, prompt upgrade now
Download preferred installer version from python official website
Launch installer, prompt Upgrade Now
set_elems = {'a', 'b', 'c'}
set_elems.update({'c', 'd'})
print(set_elems) # => {'c', 'd', 'a', 'b',}
# Adds any iterable object as list, tuple or dicts at begining of set.