raise Exception "FileError:
Could not read file."
class UnderAge(Exception):
def verify_age(age):
if int(age) < 18:
raise UnderAge
print('Age: '+str(age))
# main program
verify_age(23) # won't raise exception
verify_age(17) # will raise exception
class CustomError(Exception):
raise Exception("Error: Something went wrong")
This will work. But it's kind of crazy.
assert False, "A Message"
except AssertionError, e:
raise Exception( e.args )
Why not the following? This is less crazy.
if not someAssertion: raise Exception( "Some Message" )
It's only a little wordier than the assert statement, but doesn't violate our expectation that assert failures raise AssertionError.
Consider this.
def myAssert( condition, action ):
if not condition: raise action