from numpy import asarray, exp
from numpy.random import randn, rand, seed
from matplotlib import pyplot
# Define objective function
def objective(step):
return step[0] ** 2.0
# Define simulated annealing algorithm
def sa(objective, area, iterations, step_size, temperature):
# create initial point
start_point = area[:, 0] + rand( len( area ) ) * ( area[:, 1] - area[:, 0] )
# evaluate initial point
start_point_eval = objective(start_point)
# Assign previous and new solution to previous and new_point_eval variable
mia_start_point, mia_start_eval = start_point, start_point_eval
outputs = []
for i in range(iterations):
# First step by mia
mia_step = mia_start_point + randn( len( area ) ) * step_size
mia_step_eval = objective(mia_step)
if mia_step_eval < start_point_eval:
start_point, start_point_eval = mia_step, mia_step_eval
#Append the new values into the output list
print('Acceptance Criteria = %.5f' % mac," ",'iteration Number = ',i," ", 'best_so_far = ',start_point," " ,'new_best = %.5f' % start_point_eval)
difference = mia_step_eval - mia_start_eval
t = temperature / float(i + 1)
# calculate Metropolis Acceptance Criterion / Acceptance Probability
mac = exp(-difference / t)
# check whether the new point is acceptable
if difference < 0 or rand() < mac:
mia_start_point, mia_start_eval = mia_step, mia_step_eval
return [start_point, start_point_eval, outputs]
# define the area of the search space
area = asarray([[-6.0, 6.0]])
# initial temperature
temperature = 12
# define the total no. of iterations
iterations = 1200
# define maximum step_size
step_size = 0.1
# perform the simulated annealing search
start_point, output, outputs = sa(objective, area, iterations, step_size, temperature)
#plotting the values
pyplot.plot(outputs, 'ro-')
pyplot.xlabel('Improvement Value')
pyplot.ylabel('Evaluation of Objective Function')