

sklearn recognising sentences

import json
with open("data/import/trained_sentences.json", "r") as json_file:
    json_data = json.load(json_file)
>>> json_data[0]
{u'words': [{u'word': u'You', u'speaker': False}, {u'word': u'ca', u'speaker': False}, {u'word': u"n't", u'speaker': False}, {u'word': u'be', u'speaker': False}, {u'word': u'friends', u'speaker': False}, {u'word': u'with', u'speaker': False}, {u'word': u'Robin', u'speaker': False}, {u'word': u'.', u'speaker': False}]}
>>> json_data[1]
{u'words': [{u'word': u'Robin', u'speaker': True}, {u'word': u':', u'speaker': False}, {u'word': u'Well', u'speaker': False}, {u'word': u'...', u'speaker': False}, {u'word': u'it', u'speaker': False}, {u'word': u"'s", u'speaker': False}, {u'word': u'a', u'speaker': False}, {u'word': u'bit', u'speaker': False}, {u'word': u'early', u'speaker': False}, {u'word': u'...', u'speaker': False}, {u'word': u'but', u'speaker': False}, {u'word': u'...', u'speaker': False}, {u'word': u'of', u'speaker': False}, {u'word': u'course', u'speaker': False}, {u'word': u',', u'speaker': False}, {u'word': u'I', u'speaker': False}, {u'word': u'might', u'speaker': False}, {u'word': u'consider', u'speaker': False}, {u'word': u'...', u'speaker': False}, {u'word': u'I', u'speaker': False}, {u'word': u'moved', u'speaker': False}, {u'word': u'here', u'speaker': False}, {u'word': u',', u'speaker': False}, {u'word': u'let', u'speaker': False}, {u'word': u'me', u'speaker': False}, {u'word': u'think', u'speaker': False}, {u'word': u'.', u'speaker': False}]}

Code Example
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