

spacy text annotation dict comprehension

import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm') # or some other model

text_to_be_annotated = nlp('Put your long to-be-annotated text here')

# pos: part-of-speech tagging
# lemma: base form of the word
# vector: embedding of the token (optional)
annotated_text = {token : (token.pos_, token.lemma_, token.vector) 
                  for token in text_to_be_annotated}

Code Example
Python :: how to find pandoc template folder 
Python :: pandas average of vectors after groupby 
Python :: python drop extension 
Python :: astype oandas 
Python :: How to get ouput from python? 
Python :: python convert a dict to list or a list to dict or a slice a dict or sort a dict by key or value without import 
Python :: python increment char a to b az to ba 
Python :: difference between methods and attributes 
Python :: How to derive using sympy 
Python :: if condition python with index 
Python :: starting point of loop linked list proof 
Python :: tessa thompson 
Python :: not want to assign all values of a collection of values in python 
Python :: japanese translator google 
Python :: df filter out rows that appear more than x times 
Python :: how to calculate the age from date of birth in python 
Python :: theta hat symbol python code 
Python :: Disable console messages in Flask server 
Python :: python project 
Python :: how to search for element in list python 
Python :: sorting-a-python-list-by-two-fields 
Python :: sample one point from distribution python 
Python :: change set item python 
Python :: machine learning cheatsheet activation function 
Python :: handle dict invalid key python 
Python :: django route accept params with character 
Python :: argmax change dafault value for multiple maxima 
Python :: python import file from same directory 
Python :: print e 
Python :: Drawing rectangle with border only in matplotlib 
Source link
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