Python is a multipurpose language. Here are a few examples:
- Building softwares
- Talking to embedded electroncis
- Webscrapping
- Building websites
- Data science
- Artificial intelligence training
- Much more.
It is an easy to learn, easy to read, open-source development language.
list1 = [1,'hello',2] #we've created a list
for element in list1:
print(element) #we will print every element in list1
Python is a programming language with many use cases. It can be used for:
1) Web Apps (With frameworks like Flask and Django)
2) Data Science (With frameworks like PyTorch and NumPy)
3) Games (With modules like Pygame)
4) Machine Learning (With frameworks like TensorFlow and Keras)
5) Graphical User Interfaces (With modules like Kivy and Tkinter)
6) Web Scraping (With frameworks like Beautiful Soup and Requests)
7) Automation (With frameworks like Selenium and Openpyxl)
And much more.
num = input("Pls Enter your Nikname (alphabetnumbric)</>: ");
for n in num :
if n>="0" and n<="9":
print ("number of digit in text :",count)
races = ["golden retriever", "chihuahua", "terrier", "carlin"]
for dog in races: