

Write a python program to find the most frequent word in text file

    count = 0;  
    word = "";  
    maxCount = 0;  
    words = [];  
    #Opens a file in read mode  
    file = open("data.txt", "r")  
    #Gets each line till end of file is reached  
    for line in file:  
        #Splits each line into words  
        string = line.lower().replace(',','').replace('.','').split(" ");  
        #Adding all words generated in previous step into words  
        for s in string:  
    #Determine the most repeated word in a file  
    for i in range(0, len(words)):  
        count = 1;  
        #Count each word in the file and store it in variable count  
        for j in range(i+1, len(words)):  
            if(words[i] == words[j]):  
                count = count + 1;  
        #If maxCount is less than count then store value of count in maxCount  
        #and corresponding word to variable word  
        if(count > maxCount):  
            maxCount = count;  
            word = words[i];  
    print("Most repeated word: " + word);  

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