# Extract all contents from zip file
import zipfile
with zipfile.ZipFile('filename', 'r') as myzip: #'r' reads file, 'w' writes file
# The zipfile will be extracted and content will be available in your working
# directory.
import shutil
import zipfile
# base_name is the name of the zip file you want to create
# format is zip for zip file
# root_dir is the direct path of the folder or file you want to zip
shutil.make_archive(base_name='zip_file_name', format='zip', root_dir='data')
# read zip file from current path
with zipfile.ZipFile(file='zip_file_name.zip', mode='r') as zip_ref:
# create folder name extract_data in current directory with the extracted data
# Extract a single file from a zip file
with zipfile.ZipFile(file='zip_file_name.zip', mode='r') as zip_ref:
# Extract a file name called secrets.dat
# extract a list of filename within a zip file
with zipfile.ZipFile(file='zip_file_name.zip', mode='r') as zip_obj:
# Get list of files names in zip
filenames = zip_obj.namelist()
# Iterate over the list of file names in given list & print them
for filename in filenames:
Joining any number of iterables by combining elements in order
- Iterables include: str, list, tuples, dict etc...
- No error will be incurred if you zip lists of differing lengths,...
...it will simply zip up to the length of the shortest list
lst1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7]
lst2 = "mangos"
lst3 = (3.1, 5.4, 0.2, 23.2, 8.88, 898)
lst4 = {"Car": "Mercedes Benz", "Location": "Eiffel Tower", "Organism": "Tardigrade"}
# lst5, lst6, ...
result = list(zip(lst1, lst2, lst3, lst4.keys())) # Check out dictionary methods
## [(1, 'm', 3.1, 'Car'), (2, 'a', 5.4, 'Location'), (3, 'n', 0.2, 'Organism')]