

bash find all files containing string

grep -r '/path/to/somewhere/' -e 'pattern'

bash find files containing string

# Basic syntax using find..exec:
find /top/dir -mindepth int -maxdepth int -type f -exec grep -H 'string' {} ;
# Note, this might look a bit scary, but it's worth learning
# Where:
#	- find searches recursively through all directories in the /top/directory
#	- -mindepth and maxdepth set the depth of subdirectories to search
#	- -type f indicates that only files should be considered
#	- all files found using the above criteria are iteratively passed to exec 
#		via the curly braces. exec then runs grep which searches for the word
#		'string' in the file
#	- -H tells grep to return the filename along with the matching line

# Basic syntax using find and xargs:
find /top/dir -mindepth int -maxdepth int -type f | xargs grep -H 'string'
# Note, more recently I've been using xargs which is faster and uses syntax
# 	that is, IMO easier to remember than exec

Code Example
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Source link
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