more likey [] is for math orerations
[[ ]] for pattern matching,
eg 1 ###########
if [ $marks -ge 80 ];
do something
eg2 :
# your code goes here
echo "if double helix, type - dh "
echo "single strand, type - ss"
read htype # this is catching input
echo Structure is $htype ;
if [[ $htype == dh ]];
echo "##dublex#####"
echo "#####single#####"
but you can use both, use [[ ]] will be safe,
Note that [[ is actually a command/program that returns either 0 (true) or 1 (false). Any program that obeys the same logic (like all base utils, such as grep(1) or ping(1)) can be used as condition, see examples.
[[ -z STRING ]] Empty string
[[ -n STRING ]] Not empty string
[[ STRING == STRING ]] Equal
[[ STRING != STRING ]] Not Equal
[[ NUM -eq NUM ]] Equal
[[ NUM -ne NUM ]] Not equal
[[ NUM -lt NUM ]] Less than
[[ NUM -le NUM ]] Less than or equal
[[ NUM -gt NUM ]] Greater than
[[ NUM -ge NUM ]] Greater than or equal
[[ STRING =~ STRING ]] Regexp
(( NUM < NUM )) Numeric conditions
More conditions
[[ -o noclobber ]] If OPTIONNAME is enabled
[[ ! EXPR ]] Not
[[ X && Y ]] And
[[ X || Y ]] Or