

Connected local Jupyter notebook server to Google Collab

# Step 1: Install Jupyter
# Install Jupyter [] on your local machine.

# Step 2: Install and enable the jupyter_http_over_ws jupyter extension (one-time)
# The jupyter_http_over_ws extension is authored by the Colaboratory team and available on GitHub [].

#pip install jupyter_http_over_ws
jupyter serverextension enable --py jupyter_http_over_ws

#Step 3: Start server and authenticate
#New notebook servers are started normally, though you will need to set a flag to explicitly trust WebSocket connections from the Colaboratory frontend.

jupyter notebook 
# Once the server has started, it will print a message with the initial backend URL used for authentication. Make a copy of this URL as you'll need to provide this in the next step.

# Step 4: Connect to the local runtime
# In Colaboratory, click the "Connect" button and select "Connect to local runtime...". Enter the URL from the previous step in the dialog that appears and click the "Connect" button. After this, you should now be connected to your local runtime.

Code Example
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Source link
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