

docker run ubuntu image

docker pull ubuntu

# Use one of the two commands to run the image
# 1. To run the ubuntu image
docker run -i -t ubuntu 
# 2. To run the ubuntu image and open terminal within the image
docker run -i -t ubuntu /bin/bash

Code Example
Shell :: cannot import urlencode from werkzeug 
Shell :: linux command to list directory size 
Shell :: tmux how to kill all sessions 
Shell :: command to find the count of only words in a file in linux 
Shell :: mui treasury styles install 
Shell :: cmd kill process 
Shell :: mkdir: /data/db: Read-only file system 
Shell :: git delete local tag 
Shell :: bash remove newline from string 
Shell :: snap store android studio 
Shell :: adb tap screen 
Shell :: install chatterbot anaconda 
Shell :: install iptables ubuntu 
Shell :: uninstall certbot ubuntu 16 nginx 
Shell :: notepad++ kali 
Shell :: hardhat compile 
Shell :: bash list the top ten largest values in a column 
Shell :: change branch name git local 
Shell :: how to delete a word from a file in bash 
Shell :: md5sum windows 
Shell :: git filter branch recursively 
Shell :: microstack no internet connection 
Shell :: mac ssh-keyscan a repo de azure 
Shell :: restart docker daemon 
Shell :: install go lang on wsl 
Shell :: Tell CMake where to find the compiler by setting either the environment variable "CXX" or the CMake cache entry CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER to the full path to the compiler, or to the compiler name if it is in the PATH. 
Shell :: ufw allow ssh 
Shell :: create necxt app 
Shell :: get unpushed commits 
Shell :: linux permission denied jupyter notebook 
Source link
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