#Basic command, get changes of current branch to remote repo
git pull
#When working with others, I usually stash my local changes
#before pulling in order to avoid conflict commits.
git stash
git pull
git stash pop #Reapply my local changes, eventually merge confl
to pull project from github to your local machine :
1-create a repo on github
2-open the repo and go to repo code , click on the green button "Code"
3-copy the link "SSH" or "HTTPS"
4-go to your command line app on your machine
5-run this command : git clone (Link from step 3)
6-press Enter and you will have your project locally
if you alrady did that and you just want to pull the changes from your github
just open your command line app and go to the project path or directory
then : git pull origin main || git pull origin " any branch Name"
this will pull all changes that you don't have them locally
git pull <remote> <branch>
git checkout new_feature
git pull <remote repo>