

how to create malware for android in kali

deviceInfo                 --> returns basic info of the device
    camList                    --> returns cameraID  
    takepic [cameraID]         --> Takes picture from camera
    startVideo [cameraID]      --> starts recording the video
    stopVideo                  --> stop recording the video and return the video file
    startAudio                 --> starts recording the audio
    stopAudio                  --> stop recording the audio
    getSMS [inbox|sent]        --> returns inbox sms or sent sms in a file 
    getCallLogs                --> returns call logs in a file
    shell                      --> starts a sh shell of the device
    vibrate [number_of_times]  --> vibrate the device number of time
    getLocation                --> return the current location of the device
    getIP                      --> returns the ip of the device
    getSimDetails              --> returns the details of all sim of the device
    clear                      --> clears the screen
    getClipData                --> return the current saved text from the clipboard
    getMACAddress              --> returns the mac address of the device
    exit                       --> exit the interpreter

Code Example
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Source link
8+6 =