

how to upload project on github using command

//upload project to github using git bash
1 git init
2 git add .
3 git commit -m "first commit"
4 //create a repository in git hub
//copy the url of new repository created and paste in following command before .git
5 git remote add origin url.git
6 git push -u origin master

//Commands to Update Existing repository
// Find & copy Central Repo URL
git remote add upstream
//pull down any changes and sync the local repo with the central repo
git pull upstream main  // main is the default branch you can write your own branch name
//add changes
git add .
git commit -m "Message"
//push your changes up to your fork
git push origin master

Upload Project To Github Repo

Go into the project you want to upload then enter the commands below one by one
Make sure not to forget the .git at the end
You need to create a personal access token via your github profile
git add . can take a while to load depending on what you are uploading: this is normal

git init
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin<your-github-user-name>/<your-project-name>.git
git push -f https://<your-personal-access-token>>//<your-github-user-name>/<your-project-name>.git

how to upload on github with command

git remote add origin

Code Example
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