

laravel github

Setting up the environment
clone the git

composer update --no-scripts

cp .env.example .env

php artisan key:generate

Create db and change the credential inside the env file[DB name, Username, password]

Before doing the migrate check if the AppServiceProvider is config for the 191 string length add the following line in the top of the AppServiceProvider.php file

use IlluminateSupportFacadesSchema;

Then add the following schema inside the boot function

This will prevent from database error when migrated as the length will be 1024 and the mysql db gives default length 1000
7. php artisan migrate 8. php artisan migrate:refresh --seed (It will create a new user dummy one in the system automatically, admin,, secret plus all the needed seed for the catagory)

Code Example
Shell :: abbreviated stat for git 
Shell :: git diff ignore file 
Shell :: toasty android github 
Shell :: How to commit the code to the github 
Shell :: scp command in unix 
Shell :: nextjs cli 
Shell :: awk use string as field separator 
Shell :: Move or change directory to specific location in Terminal 
Shell :: grep output options 
Shell :: create github repository from git bash 
Shell :: yum install redis cli 
Shell :: Remove Files and Directories 
Shell :: authentication failed github 
Shell :: Command of Git Fetch 
Shell :: git how to track files 
Shell :: search for substring 
Shell :: installing helm on linux 
Shell :: how to install macos from usb 
Shell :: fslmaths 
Shell :: linux run multipel comands in one line 
Shell :: linux shutdown no password 
Shell :: nano move line up 
Shell :: xp_cmdshell bcp 
Shell :: k8s taint 
Shell :: git reset deinit and update submodule and re clone all submodules 
Shell :: Error: No Homebrew ruby 2.6.8 available for arm64 processors! 
Shell :: git branch not clean 
Shell :: git rebase which is local and remote 
Shell :: download gradle for debian 
Shell :: sslkeylogfile not working linux 
Source link
9+7 =